Ha minden igaz, ma a MAKE AN OFFER kifejezés szerepel a kártyátokon. Én is teszek egy ajánlatot. Ha van néhány felesleges percetek, csináljátok meg ezt a 25-ös tesztet.
Hope you are all well and have learnt the first three words. Have you learnt them yet?
Today I'm going to share a lyrics video with you. 'Last Christmas' has been one of the most popular Christmas pop songs since 1985 when it was released. How many times have you heard this song on the radio? Have you ever read the lyrics? What is the song about? Have you heard it recently? Listen and read. Try to understand what it is about.
Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States (the fourth Thursday of November). Since the early 2000s, it has been regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in the US, and most major retailers (shops) open very early and offer promotional sales. Black Friday is not an official holiday, but California and some other states observe "The Day After Thanksgiving" as a holiday for state government employees.
The term “Black Friday” was coined in the 1960s to mark the kickoff to the Christmas shopping season. “Black” refers to stores moving from the “red” to the “black,” back when accounting records were kept by hand, and red ink indicated a loss, and black a profit. Ever since the start of the modern Macy's Thanksgiving Day ...
Long ago, in the early 1600s, a group of people in England wanted to pray and worship God in their own way. The King controlled the Church of England, and everyone was ordered to go to the same type of church. Anyone who dared to disobey would be sent to jail.
The group of people who wanted to free the Church of England from the King's rule, making it "pure" were known as the Puritans. To escape the rule of the King and his church, around 100 men, women and children left their homeland, with their dream of religious freedom. They sailed on a ship, the Mayflower—on a pilgrimage to the New World.
These brave travelers—the Pilgrims—landed in Plymouth after their long six-week journey. It was December 11, 1620. The cold winter had set in. The land was strange to them, and ...
Mire nem jó az angoltudás? Ferike (és valószínüleg családja) szeretett volna rivaldafénybe kerülni és talán némi pénzt is keresni, így kitalálta, hogy megszállta egy démon, amit az egyik kereskedelmi csatorna kamerái előtt igyekeztek kiűzni belőle. Egészen érdekes módon, a démon az 'exercise book' szót hörgi, szóval Ferike legalább néha odafigyelt angolórán. :) A legérthetetlenebb része a sztorinak az, hogy tudott egy országos tv egy ekkora kamu sztorira rárepülni. Ha jól tudom, Ferikéből sajnos nem angoltanár lett, hanem piti bűnöző, de lehet, hogy tévedek és már a Vatikán egyik képzett ördögűzője.
A második típusnál a rather szót el is lehet hagyni.
We use would you rather X or Y? to ask preference between two items. Parallel (syntactically alike) wording is used before and after to . ( Or functions as a conjunction.) |
Would you |
rather drive |
or walk ? (parallel verb phrases) |
Would you |
rather leave at 8:00 |
or wait until 9:00 ? | ...